Archive for the ‘Thomas Nelson Pub. Book Reviews’ Category

“Be The People”, by Carol M. Swain

June 26, 2011

As a student of the Bible and law I think Carol M. Swain has done a marvelous job analyzing the forces of deception rapidly reshaping America’s morals, social policies, and culture in her book, “Be The People”. As a Christian Swain writes from her perspective while also offering an unbiased doorway into the information America needs to turn this country back in the right direction.

“Be The People” equips readers with sound facts about the founding of our nation, our present state as a nation, and where we are headed if we remain on the course we are on. However, Swain gives her readers the tools to make informed decisions, calls us to action, and gives reasonable advice and direction to change course. There’s enough information in this book to inform any American of the issues we face in this country concerning our Spiritual lives, our legal system, and our political system. “Be The People” addresses three major groups of American society with her call to action. First she speaks to 78 % of Americans who profess a belief in the Judeo-Christian God and who find themselves increasingly disillusioned with the ethical and moral shifts in our political and social institutions. Second, at the end of each chapter you can find the tools for action laced with Swain’s advice for how to be proactive in shifting our country back on track. And to top the tools and advice off Swain encourages debate among readers. And lastly, as one reviewer noted, the book offers atheists and secular humanists an opportunity to examine closely the values and principles that motivate a segment of the population they disparage as the Christian Right”; (Swain).

Swain fearlessly deals with the deceptions disguised as “freedom of choice” that have entered our culture and presents the historical and biblical roots of these issues. So whether a person shares the faith Swain and I have as Christians or not, the book is a must read. Why? The information alone is worth your time. Just like the author of this book, I too “urge you to read this book carefully, educate yourself on the issues and facts, and then join the thousands of Americans who are taking the risk to restore our country’s faith and values.”

“The Quotable Chesterton”

May 17, 2011

“The Quotable Chesterton” by: G. K. Chesterton

The very subtitle on the cover of the book says it all. G. K. Chesterton is certainly a man of both wit and wisdom. And if my humble opinion matters he has proven his wit and wisdom in this book. Compact yes, but this little compact work of art is packed with powerful quotes that are a must read for every preacher, teacher, or any public speaker who uses his voice to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

I would say that “The Quotable Chesterton” is valuable to any speaker who wants to make his audience laugh. The book is a must for any speaker who wants his audience to pay close attention. If you are speaking to the heart and soul this book will not let you down when it comes to useful information. Not only is the book packed with information; it doesn’t take long to find it, read it, and/or to transplant it into you’re a transcript from which you are working.

To say the least (for my lack of better wording in this review) “The Quotable Chesterton” needs to be on the bookshelf or desk of any speaker who values a good reservoir to draw from.

Where Is God?

December 26, 2010

Where Is God?” by Dr. Henry Townsend

Dr. Townsend did a terrific job of addressing our need to since the presence of God in difficult times. He remained true to reality while reconciling our need with God’s will. And he did so in a culture where we have been handed a truck load of apostasy when it comes to this subject. It seems that many people are looking for a god they can hide in their pocket and have him handy when they need life to go their way. Dr. Townsend presents the reality of How God uses circumstances to grow us and how that life is about God’s will and not our desires. This book offers major biblical principles for our lives.

It’s no secret that life is sprinkled, if not drowned, in circumstances that are painful. Everybody who lives for any length of time knows that they will face the death of loved ones, financial challenges, tough decisions, and an array of circumstances to long to list. And if my guess is correct everybody, and yes I mean everybody, has asked the famous question; “Where is God?” So often we could interpret that question to really mean “hey God, look what’s going on here, do something”. And we generally have a specific “something” in mind for God to do. However, God’s will is more important than our desire. God’s will is perfect even when we do not understand it.

Knowing that God’s will is perfect is one thing. Accepting the perfection of God’s will is another. But when experience and God get together we will do one of a few things. For instance, we can become angry, we could grow cold and bitter, or we could grow in our knowledge and love for God. You see, if God indeed created us for His will and His good pleasure then certainly the details are important to Him. It is when we allow the details to shape us into the image of His dear Son that we begin to understand where God really is. And Dr. Townsend has done an excellent job of reconciling our need with God’s presence in our lives. If we can learn to apply the principles offered in this book we can begin to since the presence of God in our need. For our desire should actually become what God’s will is for our lives. It is then, and truly then, that we begin to experience the presence of God.

Dr. Townsend hit a home run with this book in my opinion. The principles offered here are an excellent tool for spiritual growth. The principles are based on the Bible, God’s Word. Having said that, the principles found here are based on the heart, mind, and the will of God. If we can learn to look at our life in perspective with God’s will we can find the answer to our question, “Where Is God?” He is at the center of all things working all things toward His good pleasure.

“Christianity In Crises: 21st Century; by Hank Hanegraaff

January 13, 2010

The title speaks volumes; “Christianity In Crises: The 21st Century”. It’s quite possible that we who make up Christianity in the 21st century are in a major crises and are not even aware of it. The greatest truth that stands out to me after reading this book is the evidence of ignorance. Hank Hanegraaf does a marvelous job of pointing out the issues that plague our culture. The greatest two plagues among our camp are ignorance and lies. As a culture we are becoming biblically ignorant and in turn we are becoming more vulnerable to the lies propagated by those who follow after filthy lucre and prey upon the physically needy and biblically ignorant. It’s difficult to sum up this book because it is so packed with powerful truth while pointing out the terrible lie of the “faith movement”. I hope this book finds its way into the hands of many readers. Anyone who is serious about their faith, serious about understanding Christianity in our culture, and/or serious about those within their sphere of influence should read “Christianity In Crises: 21st Century”. Of course the Bible is our greatest weapon against spiritual ignorance. But this book contains enough of the bible to equip you well in this spiritual warfare against false prophecy/false gospel. Hank Hanegraaf did a great job in researching the faith movement, comparing it to the truth of scripture, and shines a bright light into darkness with this wonderful work. I will admit that the book seems repetitive at times. However, there’s really no way around that if the author is going to shed light on his subject and those who bring relevance to it. The only reason the story seams to repeat itself is because the research is so great. And in doing that research the author simply found that all these men and women who are propagating a harlot gospel are following a unified movement. Therefore they are doing the same things. Hank Hanegraaf did a marvelous job with “Christianity In Crises: 21st Century”. Well done!